Monday, August 31, 2015

Publishing research in Thomson Reuters, part 2: availability

Every time you publish a document, you need to decide who it is going to be available to. Listing all entitled users on every document does not scale well, so instead you need to specify entitlement group.

All documents in the same entitlement group share some properties:
  • List of entitled readers
  • Embargo settings 
  • Price algorithm
The common set up involves having one subscription group, where the users you select can access the document free of charge, and one pay-per-view group, where the entitled users need to purchase the document (in whole or in part) before viewing.

If you want to release your documents to different user groups at different points in time, you can set up an embargo. This way the group you publish to will receive the document immediately, and embargoed group will receive the document automatically after it reaches a certain age.

Price algorithm allows you to decide how much you want to charge for documents; it is possible to tweak price per page (applies to PDF documents only) and price per document. The price can be constant, or it can be calculated based on certain factors like document age or number of pages. Note, some distribution channels require predefined price algorithms, so using custom prices will limit your ability to reach certain audiences.

In HDM you specify the document group using the following syntax:
Distribution.GroupID[0] = 1
In this example 0 is the sequential number of user group, 1 is the group ID.

In RIXML 2.4 you would use the following:

            <AudienceTypeEntitlement audienceType="PublisherDefined" entitlementContext="ThomsonReuters">1</AudienceTypeEntitlement>
In this example 1 is the group ID. Multiple entitlement groups can be specified by adding multiple AudienceTypeEntitlement tags.

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